Pigeon Key Marina is located at 3545 Marina View Point near Dockers Fish House and
Installed in 1995 by Great Lakes Dock & Materials, L.L.C., the floating docks
consists of three main piers:
- A-Dock has fourteen 41 foot slips
- B-Dock has eighteen 32 foot slips
- C-Dock has sixteen 32 foot slips
Pigeon Key Marina is member-owned marina with an elected board of directors serving the Pigeon Key Marina Association.
A manager, under the guidance of the Pigeon Key Marina Association Board of Directors, manages and supervises the day to day marina operation including the supervision of dockhands.
Amenities include nearby restaurant, access to Muskegon Lake and Lake Michigan, water, electric, restrooms and showers, ice, picnic table, gas grill, carts and dockhand assistance.